Phamm Engineering isolators are customizable and high quality. It is possible to have a positive pressure isolator with vertical laminar air flow or a negative pressure one, to ensure maximum operator safety and the best quality conditions for productions. Thanks to the possibility of customization, Phamm Engineering isolators can be used for various processes: eye drops, stem cells, injectable preparations, antiblastic drugs and any other product requiring sterility and operator protection. Phamm Engineering isolators can be configured for both two and four gloves, with an integrable VHP sterilization module, equipped with a web-based control and supervision system and an internal pressure setting system. Phamm Engineering isolators are easy to maintain and monitor. They also guarantee a high degree of comfort for the operators with intuitive operation and good visibility of the processes, rapid purification of the air. The door and hatches switches are foot operated and equipped with an interlock system, the display and multifunctional touch screen. Phamm Engineering isolators are an excellent proposal for value for money.