Each product is inspected by the multipoint NIR-SRS “near-Infrared spatially resolved technology” probe to predict APIs concentration, and a 3D microwave resonator allows to measure individual weight. Various extensive repeatability test campaigns and industrial case studies have shown that the predictions are within the predicted error boundaries. The unit includes an encapsulated weigh cell, or [
Key benefits
100% Content Uniformity test of your products
Permit Real Time Decision
Ideal for proving final quality on batch or CM
Shorten your reject strategy process
Test physical attributes of your tablets based on conventional sampling methods (weight, thickness, hardness, and length/diameter)
Inspection machine for batch recovery, prove global batch quality, detect counterfeit product
Each product is inspected by the multipoint NIR-SRS “near-Infrared spatially resolved technology” probe to predict APIs concentration, and a 3D microwave resonator allows to measure individual weight.
Various extensive repeatability test campaigns and industrial case studies have shown that the predictions are within the predicted error boundaries.
The unit includes an encapsulated weigh cell, or a highly accurate 4-P tester (measuring weight, thickness, hardness, and diameter), for automatic calibration of the measurement instrument. A linear regression is performed to ensure that the accuracy remains inside the machine accuracy of +/-1mg (3 Sigma).