Our IncuSafe MCO-230AICUVH CO2 Incubator with innovative technologies offer outstanding quality in performance, maximise cell culture productivity and provide optimum results and reproducibility.
Providing a precisely controlled environment for sensitive cell cultures Delivering long-term performance, optimal cell viability and successful experiments, each PHCbi incubator provides precise control of CO2 concentration and temperature, while remaining easy to operate and maintain. The MCO-230AICUVH IncuSafe CO2 Incubator support a reliable, stable cell culture environment across all shelf positions, meaning each and every cell is safely maintained under ideal conditions. The MCO-230AICUVH has a built-in UV lamp and a H2O2 Decontamination board and Electric door lock with password.
Cleanroom Classification
To ensure that our equipment can be trusted as an essential tool for cleanroom applications, we have invested in the classification of our flagship cold storage and cell culture incubators. The MCO-230AICUVH-PE is ISO 14644-1 part 14 Classified and falls in ISO Class 5.0. Find out more in the brochure at the download section on this page.
Increasing work efficiency
We have designed our incubators with ease of use and efficiency in mind. By delivering a user friendly cell culture incubator with rapid systems and processes, PHCbi can help make your work as simple as possible.
Improved insulation performance and lower running costs
PID Control of CO2 and temperature
Dual IR CO2 sensor
Optimum protection for your cell cultures
More space for more cultures