PHC Europe BV is offering a new slit-well, ultra-low attachment 3D plate to facilitate easy handling of media exchange without disrupting spheroid formation
Cell culturing involves frequent media replacement to provide nutrition to growing cells. In a standard 96 well ultra low cell attachment plate, media aspiration or dispensing has to be done extremely carefully to avoid disturbing the unattached spheroid, making this a time consuming operation. With the introduction of PrimeSurface 96 Slit-Well Plate, media exchange for 96 well plates can be effciently handled with one step dispensing or aspiration for all 96 wells. This product can decrease pipetting time by over 80% while minimizing the risk of spheroid damage
Generate and maintain uniform spheroids
Exchange media without disturbing spheroid formation
Minimize media exchange time by simultaneous delivery of cell culture media to all 96 wells
Use up to 1.5 times more media than in conventional plates, less media changes and more nutrients for the culture
Minimize media exchange effort and time without disturbing spheroid formation
Generate and maintain uniform spheroids in long-term cultures
Grow larger spheroids in the same well for long-term cultures.