The Philips Ingenia Elition solution offers MR imaging techniques, while setting new direction for clinical research in 3.0T imaging based on gradient- and RF designs. The Ingenia Elition delivers on superb image quality, and performs MRI exams up to 50% faster¹. Fast overall exam-time is achieved by improving patient handling setup time at the bore with the touchless guided patient setup, combined with accelerations in both 2D- and 3D scanning. Furthermore, the Ingenia Elition offers an immersive audio-visual experience to help you to calm patients and guide them through MR exams.
New territories in neurofunctional MRI
Ingenia Elition Vega HP gradients deliver up to 23% higher temporal resolution in fMRI studies for excellent functional imaging at 3.0T³. Ingenia Elition lets you unlock new territories in the field of neurofunctional MRI, unraveling the connections and functional set-up of the brain.
Up to 30% faster DWI images³
With Ingenia Elition’s high-performance gradients diffusion scans are up 30% faster while appearing sharper³. An average of 70% higher contrast resolution can be achieved in diffusion imaging³. SNR is further improved due to a TE up to 15% shorter in diffusion imaging.
Up to 60% higher resolution³
Fully redesigned gradients combined with Compressed SENSE acceleration technology allow up to 60% higher spatial resolution³ in the same scan time, revealing more details for greater precision. This allows you, for example, to speed up your isotropic 3D MSK imaging.
Diagnostic confidence in neuro oncology
3D APT (Amide Proton Transfer) is a unique, contrast-free, brain MR imaging method.