Sets a new direction in CT image quality with industry-leading low-contrast resolution and virtually noise*-free images. Innovations in hardware and the reconstruction algorithm result in a reconstruction speed – less than three minutes for the majority of reference protocols – that allows model-based benefits to be achieved in even the most demanding applications.
Industry-leading low-contrast resolution
IMR provides significant improvements in low contrast detectability, giving you confidence through enhanced visualization of fine detail and improved accuracy in detecting small, subtle structures. This outstanding improvement helps strengthen the position of CT as the backbone of radiology.
Lower dose with higher image quality
You can achieve 60 - 80% lower dose, and at the same time, improve low-contrast detectability by 43 - 80% and lower image noise by 70 - 83%, relative to standard (FBP) reconstruction.*
Virtually noise-free images
Noise and artifacts limit visualization of critical structural information. IMR breaks the strong linkage between noise and dose, allowing for virtually noise-free** images through 73% to 90% noise reduction, helping reveal information previously hidden in noise.
First knowledge-based IR for Cardiac CTA
IMR Platinum is the first knowledge-based solution to overcome the motion sensitivity associated with traditional model-based solutions. This allows it to be used in highly advanced acquisitions, such as cardiac CTA.