The PHS Medical Nested Foot Stools are excellent for physical therapy related exercises. Stools nest for easy, convenient stoLoad Capacity: 350 lbs.
Overall dimensions: 16”W x 20”D x 8”H
Set of 4
Hardwood plywood construction
Anti-slip safety tread on steps for increased safetyrage. Each stool top has anti-slip safety tread to prevent slipping.
NFS-100 - Nested Foot Stools
Overall Dimensions: 16”W x 20”D x 8”H
Step 1: 10”W x 14”D x 2”H
Step 2: 12”W x 16”D x 4”H
Step 3: 14”W x 18”D x 6”H
Step 4: 16”W x 20”D x 8”H