The application of pressure, warming and cooling is commonly used but never with any real precision. It is vital to change this ‘no control’ approach.
We must understand what is required and when. We need to ensure enough energy (cooling, warming, compression) is provided to deliver the best outcomes but not too much, which could potentially slow down performance or even cause damage.
Our bodies go through different stages of recovery and healing and our requirements change during this time. Understand these changes and you can track progress and also know what therapy to apply and when.
Our products are not designed to be the limiting factor. PHYSIOLAB ® is a toolkit for delivering thermal energy and compression to the body with maximum efficiency.
All the variables are intelligently controlled with precision and accuracy to respond to the body’s requirements. We sense and control to 0.1°C and +/- 10 mmHg every second.
With this level of control we can deliver temperatures to the body between 6°C and 40°c, either intermittently or continuously over a period of 30 minutes.
Our patented Therapy Packs provide true clinical compression with unrivalled conformability across the entire treatment area. The dual layered design ensures pressure can be actively adjusted every second. This is independently controlled and ensures thermal delivery is not impacted during therapy.