CRYOS SAFE is the instant cold pack manufactured by Phyto Performance.
It contains urea and water.
We offer customers an innovative product for their safety, but with all its features.
The immediate use of CRYOS SAFE instant cold pack is essential in emergency situation. Useful in all cases where the cold is appropriate: to treat bruises, to support the treatment of sprains and in all those situations where the cold helps in managing treatment.
Useful at home, car, while camping or doing sport and whenever a cold therapy is needed.
Available in various sizes and material: polyethylene with Euro hole or soft tissue.
Medical Device Class IIa
Hit the external Cryos Safe pouch using a fist OR squeeze with two thumbs to break the inner pocket of water.
Shake vigorously to get maximum cold.
Interpose a cloth between the pouch and the skin. Apply it to the injured area. Single use package, dispose after use.