The PD104BD is designed for critical and sensitive products and does not contain any metal parts in direct contact with the sample. The system consists of a double jacketed 10L glass vessel with mechanical stirrer drive, precise oil tempered by a dynamic process thermostat. The silvered Distillation column in DN25 made of borosilicate glass can be equipped with various packing materials, depending on the application. A column heating jacket with automatic temperature sequence control ensures adiabatic operation. The column reflux ratio can individually be adjusted using a time-controlled reflux divider.
The system provides the possibility to discharge via tempered lines a fraction into a single receiver or alternatively into a customized fraction collector providing 6 receivers with the possibility to take out a filled receiver during operation without disturbing the vacuum.
The plant is equipped with a high capacity vacuum system and automatic calculation of the AET (Atmospheric Equivalent Temperature) so that the desired product sections can be entered directly without conversion and the reflux divider automatically switches to total reflux when the preselected cut temperature is reached. This ensures a clean separation even when the system is unattended. Equipped with the processor-based distillation control unit DCD4001, all distillation parameters such as temperature, vacuum, reflux distribution and the fraction collector are controlled via the associated software using an IP65 touchscreen PC. Limit value monitoring and security mechanisms ensures a safe distillation.