Sleek design ergonomic form and just one USB connection to the PC
PDD-301/shm version has built-in ambient temperature, pressure and humidity sensors for the full automatic BTPS correction
The spirometer is the basic device of the functional lung diagnostics
It is inevitable in detecting the early malfunction of the respiratory system
Chronic bronchitis
Obstructive ventilation disorder
Mesurement mood
Forced ex- and inspiration
Static vital capacity
Maximal voluntary ventilation
Mesured parameters
FVC Forced Vital Capacity
FEV*0.5 Forced Expiratory Volume in 0.5 second
FEV*1.0 Forced Expiratory Volume in 1.0 second
FEV*0.5/IVC Ration of FEV*0.5 and IVC in %
FEV*0.5/FVC Ration of FEV*0.5 and FVC in %
FEV*1.0/IVC Ration of FEV*1.0 and IVC in %
FEV*1.0/FVC Ration of FEV*1.0 and FVC in %
PEF - Peak Expiratory Flow
FEF*25-75% Forced mid-Expiratory Flow rate
FEF*75% Forced Expiratory Flow at 75% lung volume
FEF*50% Forced Expiratory Flow at 50% lung volume
FEF*25% Forced Expiratory Flow at 25% lung volume
FET Forced Expiratory Time
MTT Mean Transit Time
FIVC Forced Inspiratory Vital Capacity
FIV*0.5Forced Inspiratory Volume in 0.5 sec
FIV*1.0 Forced Inspiratory Volume in 1.0 sec
PIF - Peak Inspiratory Flow rate
FIF*25-75% - Forced mid-Inspiratory Flow rate
Static vital capacity
IVC Inspiratory Vital Capacity
IRV Inspiratory Reserve Volume
ERV Expiratory Reserve Volume
TV Tidal Volume
SVC Slow Vital Capacity
Maximal Voluntary Ventilation
MVV Maximal Voluntary Ventilation
MVV*f Maximal Voluntary Ventilation Frequency