Offline Sorter™ (OFS) is the most recognized and trusted offline spike sorting software in the industry today, with more than 1,700 publications specifically citing the use of OFS as part of their methods. OFS accepts file types from many data acquisition companies and software programs listed in the specifications table in the Technical Specs tab below – and now reads .PL2 files.
NEW OFS v4 is a powerful, easy-to-use tool for viewing and classifying action potential waveforms (spikes) previously collected from single electrodes, stereotrodes and tetrodes. Version 4 is loaded with new sophisticated algorithms and functionality including the ability to analyze overlapping waveforms, perform signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) computations, apply high-cut filtering to continuous channels and exploit digital referencing. OFS version 4 is further packed with additional new functionality including but not limited to the ability to load multiple PL2™ files simultaneously; new L-Ratio and Isolation Distance sort quality metrics; support for Band and Line sorting methods; ability to name and manipulate Time Segments and save as NeuroExplorer® files; new scan modes including the ability to scan using different random initial seed clusters; support for multiple spike Sources; ability to display arbitrary combinations for continuous and spike data together for a channel in the Timeline View; the ability to use standard deviation or Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) to calculate fit or band fit tolerances and much more.