Illumination of the hospital rooms should support the patient recuperation and easy adaptation to the hospital atmosphere.
General illumination of the hospital room is exclusively realized as indirect one. Illuminating source is positioned above the patient bed, to obtain required even distributed illumination in the room and the avoidance of shadows.
Every bed is equipped also with reading lighting (direct lighting). This lighting is beamed, so the disturbance of the neighbor patients is avoided.
Illuminaton in the rooms with beds should enable the patient examination and therapy practice (working lighting), together with orientation and surveillance lightings.
Technical requirements concerning the illumination are given in the DIN 5035 part 3 (“Artificial light internal illumination - Recommendations for the hospital illumination”) and are given in the following table:
General (indirect) lighting - 100, measured on horizontal surface 0.85m above the floor
Reading (direct) lighting - 200, measured on slanted surface 0.3 x 0.9m, angle of 75°
Examination (working) lighting - 300, measured on horizontal surface 0.85m above the floor
Surveillance lighting - circa 5, measured on horizontal surface 0.85m above the floor
Orientation lighting - mounted near the room entrance
This illumination is realized exclusively as indirect illumination. The hospital set UBS 2100 is composed of two fluo tubes (36W) with reflector which distributes light towards ceiling and wall. In this manner, even illumination of patient room without shadows is achieved.