THE HOSPITAL INFORMATION SYSTEM BIS 2010 is the most complex one, from the system family BIS 2000. It enables transfer of the light, tone, speech, audio and video information.
This system includes:
- speech “patient/sister” communication
- “sister/sister” and “sister/doctor on duty” tone/light communication
- paging graphic display on the monitor
- video surveillance
- priority and page diverting
- listening to the musical and educational programs
- patient data processing
At the BIS 2010 systems one can distinguishes four types of calls (pages) and one information on the personnel circulation in the hospital utility.
COMMON CALL is activated by the “sister-call” push button depressing, on the hand-set. The control panel (CP) announces this with tone and light information, also the monitor of CUP displays an graphic sign. The sister can establish an speech conversation with patient by means of CUP, to observe the patient on the monitor, and to reset this call (page).
URGENT CALL is activated by depressing the pull-SOS switch, mounted in the toilet/bathroom or using the hand-set paging sister push-button. So, one can distinguish two types of urgent calls:
- urgent call from the toilet/bathroom, recognized as URGENT SOS call
- urgent call originated from the common call. The main sister (nurse) can temporarily change priority of the call. This call is then recognized as URGENT SOFTWARE CALL. The urgent call can be distinguished from the common call according to the light, tone and graphic presentation. This type of call can be reset in originating room only.