The MEV®-8 Medical Insulation Monitoring System monitors the safety of electrical equipment in Group 2 medical premises, such as operating rooms, where defective electrical equipment can cause serious incidents.
The MEV®-8 system description
MEV®-8 Insulation Monitoring Equipment consists of four devices: MEV-8, FI-8, LC-8, and SP-8, each represented on these product pages.
MEV-8 insulation level monitoring device monitors the insulation of a floating IT network (leakage current), transformer load (current A) and temperature (°C).
SP-8 System monitoring panel indicates any insulation level alarms, line controller alarms, test lead faults, transformer overloading, and temperature alarms.
LC-8 Line controller monitors the continuity of a floating IT network’s protective earth.
FI-8 Fault locator unit locates any insulation faults in a floating IT network.