An AI-powered primary diagnostic solution for breast cancer diagnosis, accredited with CE marking.
Laboratories and clinics using the solution in clinical routine
pathologists participated in the Clinical Study
Doctors collaborated to build it
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Cleo Breast?
Improve your workflow with an AI solution that you can trust.
Cleo Breast is an all-in-one AI powered primary diagnostic solution accredited with CE marking. We collaborated with European reference laboratories for clinical use in automated detection and quantification of tumor biomarkers in breast tissue.
Cleo Breast is designed to detect presence or absence of dedicated biomarkers of breast tissue lesions, based on numerized image analysis of histological Whole Slide Image (WSI or digitized slides of histological tissue samples).
Cleo breast provides pathologists and laboratory experts with an automatic and efficient reading of breast cancer diagnosis fully integrated in the laboratory workflow, able to to fully integrate with the laboratory machines.
Cleo Breast is intended to be used as an aid to diagnosis and its results must be reviewed by accredited doctors.
Biomarkers detection
Invasive & In Situ Carcinoma
Detects with high precision the Invasive Carcinoma & In Situ Carcinoma regions and displays the result with a heatmap.
Detects every mitosis object and mitosis hotspots in thecarcinoma regions. The algorithm performs also an automatic mitosis counting.
Detects every potential calcification object. Some calcifications tiles are displayed to help the pathologist to perform a faster analysis.