1 test/kit;5 tests/kit;10tests/kit;20tests/kit;25tests/kit;
30 tests/kit; 40 tests/kit; 50 tests/kit
Clinical Significance:assess VD levels;bone, immunity,cell growth related
Linear range:5.00ng/mL-100.00ng/mL
LOD: 30.00ng/mL-80ng/mL
Applicable Department:pediatrics, gynecology, pediatrics, orthopedics, endocrinology, etc
Intended Use
Vitamin D is a sterol derivative that plays an important role in osteogenesis and calcium and phosphorus absorption. There are currently five compounds that are thought to be more closely related to health, namely vitamin D2 and vitamin D3.
As an important indicator of vitamin D level screening in healthy people, 25-hydroxy vita min D will strive for more and faster treatment time for patients and greatly reduce the risk of morbidity.