1 test/kit;5 tests/kit;10tests/kit;20tests/kit;25tests/kit;
30 tests/kit; 40 tests/kit; 50 tests/kit
Clinical Significance:Gastric mucosal injury judgment
Performance Parameter:Sample:serum/plasma/whole blood
Linear range:PGI:[5.00, 100.00] ng/mL;
PG II:[1.00, 50.00] ng/mL
Applicable Department:Gastroenterology, physical examination, laboratory medicine, etc
Intended Use
Pepsinogen is synthesized by gastric mucosal cells and becomes pepsin in the gastric cavity by gastric acid or active pepsin. Pepsin breaks down proteins into fat, peptone, and a small amount of polypeptides. PGI is mainly secreted by the fundus and fundic glands of the stomach body, PG II is secreted in various parts of the stomach, and the main secretion sites are located at the bottom of the stomach and the antrum. Most of the PG is present in the stomach, and 1% of PG enters the blood, so the ratio of PG content in the blood to PGI/PGII can reflect the health of the gastric mucosa.