ProdElvis is a software designed for adaptation in the future for use with rehabilitation products and belongs to the group of real-time feedback systems.
ProdElvis is a software that allows you to visualize the course of therapeutic procedures by graphically presenting pressure forces and their distribution over the patient’s feet during exercise.
ProdElvis will be useful in the future version for:
– online real-time observation of forces of patient’s movement,
– online observation the compliance of real movement with the gait patterns,
– real time measuring speed of walk,
– asymetry of movement analysing,
– correcting the movement of patient in real time or later on,
– motivate patient to put more effort into participating in active therapy,
– spasticity real time observation.
ProdElvis can be used as automated gait trainer biofeedback application and can be fully adjusted for other devices dedicated to gait reeducation and gait functionality improvement like exsosceletons, walkers, trainers.
online observation of pressure forces and their distribution
saving the data collected during the exercise to the database