Tolerates higher DNA amounts. Better balance for aneuploid samples
Lower number of loci simplifies interpretation
10-Locus STR System for Cell Line Authentication
Cell line misidentification or contamination can derail your research. Fortunately, there is an easy way to confirm the identity of human cell lines in your laboratory: short tandem repeat (STR) analysis.
To standardize STR analysis for human cell line authentication, the American Tissue Culture Collection (ATCC) Standards Development Organization Workgroup published the ASN-0002-2011, which recommends the use of at least eight STR loci (TH01, TPOX, vWA, CSF1PO, D16S539, D7S820, D13S317 and D5S818) plus Amelogenin for gender identification.
The GenePrint® 10 System:
Meets the ASN-0002-2011 Guidelines requirements with co-amplification and detection of the recommended minimum nine STR loci (including Amelogenin).
Improves lab efficiencies with rapid-cycling and direct-amplification from storage card samples.
Simplifies data analysis and comparison using loci in concordance with publicly available databases.
Generates optimal heterozygote balance using up to 10ng of DNA template.
Delivers greater consistency in detecting low-level mixtures, contaminants and genetic aberrations.
Detection Instrument Compatibility and Data Analysis
The GenePrint® 10 System is compatible with the ABI PRISM® 3100 and 3100-Avant Genetic Analyzers and Applied Biosystems® 3130, 3130xl, 3500 and 3500xL Genetic Analyzers. You may need to optimize protocols including the amount of template DNA,