Purifies DNA from 1–48 (5µm) FFPE samples
Faster digestion option without organic solvents
Sufficient yield for downstream amplification
Faster, Safer, Hands-Free DNA Purification from FFPE Samples
The Maxwell® 16 FFPE Plus LEV DNA Purification Kit (AS1135) is used to extract DNA rapidly from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples using the Maxwell® 16 Instrument. The Maxwell® RSC FFPE Plus DNA Kit (AS1720) is used with the Maxwell® RSC Instruments to extract DNA from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples. The kits are designed for optimal purification of DNA from one to ten 5μm thin sections of FFPE tissue samples, maximizing yield and eliminating the need to concentrate the extract prior to amplification.
Time-Saving Protocol Options for Efficient Processing
The protocol provides overnight proteinase K digestion of samples prior to DNA purification. After proteinase K digestion, tissue lysates are placed directly into the FFPE Kit cartridges, and amplification-ready genomic DNA is obtained in approximately 30 minutes. The Maxwell® 16 and Maxwell® RSC Instruments process 1–16 cartridges per run. The Maxwell® RSC 48 Instrument processes 1–48 samples per run. The kit does not use hazardous xylene, providing a much safer method than other FFPE purification products. Quality testing demonstrates virtually no PCR inhibitors in purified samples. The Maxwell® RSC FFPE Plus DNA Kit is also compatible for use on the Maxwell® CSC Instrument in RUO Mode.