The Flexi-T was developed on the basis of accredited studies, using data obtained from uterine cavity measurements taken with the Kurz Cavimeter. The studies included 795 fertile women of all ages and parous categories (no previous pregnancies, one previous pregnancy, or multiple previous pregnancies). Based on the data, it can be concluded that the dimensions of the uterus are affected by the number of previous pregnancies. The Flexi-T was developed on the basis of this knowledge. There are two different sizes: the standard IUD, for women who have already had children and the smaller IUD for women who have not given birth before.
The optimal shape and the flexible material reduces the risk of expulsion and minimises potential side effects, like spotting and discomfort. The narrow insertion tube without a plunger makes the Flexi-T easy to insert, minimising discomfort, and removal is easy and relatively painless. There is a near-zero risk of perforation due to the rounded corners of the IUD and use of the narrow insertion tube without a plunger. With the fundus seeking design, its high flexibility and the easy insertion system Flexi-T has proven to be the optimal IUD for millions of women.
The clinical trial involving 1150 women of all ages and parous categories (no pregnancies, one pregnancy, multiple pregnancies) concluded, that the Flexi-T is safe and offers women a high standard of contraceptive protection.
The traces of copper released locally by the IUD cause the sperm cells to lose their mobility, thereby preventing fertilization. In addition, should an egg become fertilized, Flexi-T prevents it from embedding in the lining of the womb.