A-first-aid kit nautical kit new law D.L. 01/10/2015 table (excluding proprietary medicinal products), certified IP67 to ensure water resistance and dust, to ensure protection of the content to the elements. Container with hermetic seal, pressurised steam trap, soft handle for a secure grip, dual safety lock step, twin lockable predisposition.
COASTAL NAVIGATION as defined by art. 1 point 40 of the regulations for the safety of navigation and human life at sea, approved by PRESIDENTIAL DECREE November 8, 1991 # 435 (navigation which takes place between ports of the State in which the ship never strays more than 6 miles from the coast, as well as livestock units C class passengers, as defined in article 3 of the d.lgs February 4, 2000 # 45)
NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL COASTAL NAVIGATION as defined by article 1 of the aforesaid 39 37 points and DPR November 8, 1991 # 435 (navigation which takes place between ports of the State in which the ship never strays more than 20 miles offshore, as well as livestock units class D, as defined in article 3 of the d.lgs February 4, 2000 # 45)
LOCAL NAVIGATION as defined by art. 1, paragraph 41 of the aforementioned PRESIDENTIAL DECREE November 8, 1991 # 435 (navigation which takes place inside ports, or rade, estuaries, canals and lagoons in the State, during which the ship never strays more than 3 miles offshore, as well as for livestock units D class passengers, as defined in article 3 of the D.lgs February 4, 2000 # 45)