The SLD broadband light source
FJORD is the SLD broadband light source designed and developed by Pyroistech to provide a personalized spectral response in the NIR to the applications of the most demanding users. SLDs are also known as SLEDs o superluminescent diodes, and their operation is based on amplified spontaneous emission (ASE), also called superluminescence. Pyroistech offers the possibility of combining up to 8 modules to choose from high power SLDs, as well as adding an extra touch screen or USB connection to control the power of each SLD individually. Its compact, silent and sturdy design allows its integration in whatever type of application, covering a wide range of possibilities, from optical laboratories, fiber optics testing, Bragg grating interrogation, tomography, or industrial sensors among others.
Configurable spectral bandwidth (up to 8 different SLD available from the table below).
Max. optical power (fiber 8μm): 5dBm*
Short stabilization time <1 min
Temperature controlled ±0.1ºC
Configurable output connector FC-PC/FC-APC
Dimensions 18 x 5 x 12.7 cm*
High quality materials for a durable product.
Compact, light and silent
*This value may vary with the number and model of the SLDs
Available extras
Touch screen option
USB connection option to allow the remote control of the source through the computer
Individual control 0-100% of the power of each SLD which whatever option