ttwo splints provide lateral stabilization,
four self-adhesive stabilizing straps (including infrapatellar strap), each independently adjusted,
easy to operate monocentric hinge which controls range of motion every 10° flexion: 0°-120° , extension: -10°-90°,
quick lock: 0° ,15° ,30° ,45°,
flat hinge,
intuitive length adjustment,
front panel enables quick and easy adjustment of brace circumference,
extra option: cold pack which can be attached to the hinge,
soft padding protects the leg and ensures its optimal position,
one, universal model for left and right leg,
conditions which require immobilization or control of knee range of movement after surgeries or injuries. Treatment and further treatment of knee joint and soft tissue injuties.
One, universal size
Adjustable length: 41-55 cm (thigh: 20-27 cm, shin: 21-28 cm)