Angelas Podiatry Laser
The Angelas portable medical laser is the newest Class IV grade laser available in the medical marketplace today. It includes the optimal range of wavelengths, with interchangeable handpiece optics.
This laser device can be used to perform deep tissue laser therapy, podiatry, veterinary, spider vein removal, dentistry, and so on.
Optimal Diode Laser System in Podiatry
Laser surgery is often a successful treatment for lesions, tumors, and nail disorders. Laser treatments do not damage tissue in surrounding areas, are often painless, and allow patients to recover quickly. Two common conditions that are successfully treated with laser procedures are toenail fungus and warts.
Qolight laser has been used in various published studies as an innovative treatment for foot pathologies. Not only its mechanism of action improve healing, blood flow and pain, but can treat toenail infections.
980nm/1064nm Wavelength in Laser Podiatry
The Qolight laser system emits infrared light with a wavelength of 980nm/1064nm. The laser allows deeper penetration into tissues and reduces the risk of pigmentation changes, without damaging the surrounding tissues. Due to the increased interaction of molecules with the laser, heat is distributed more evenly.
Clinical Applications
Plantar warts
Vascular Lesions
Intractable Plantar Keratosis
Minor soft tissues surgery (cut, coagulation and vaporization)
Podiatric postoperative of hallux-valgus and finger trigger
Plantar Fascitis
Tendinitis Aquileia
Metatarsalgia and hallux-valgus