The Transthyretin assay has a precision of less than 4% CV
Applications available
For a wide variety of clinical chemistry analysers including the RX series
Exceptional correlation
The Transthyretin assay showed a correlation coefficient of 0.98 against another commercially available method
Randox Transthyretin (Prealbumin) (Immunoturbidimetric)
Immunoturbidimetric method
Measuring range 2.3-65 mg/dl
Applications available
What is Transthyretin (Prealbumin) assay used for?
Transthyretin is a negative acute phase reactant and serum levels fall in inflammation, malignancy, cirrhosis of the liver and protein-wasting diseases of the gut or kidneys, owing to decreased synthesis. Elevated levels have been reported in Hodgkinson’s disease.
Transthyretin is a specific clinical indicator of nutritional risk in the management of diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Renal disease, Diabetes, Pneumonia and Cancer. Nutritional assessment using Transthyretin has also been effective in surgical cases, pre-surgical screening, fractures, and wound healing.