RayOne Spheric fully preloaded IOL injection system, designed to deliver without compromise.
When creating RayOne Spheric, we developed our MICS lens and unique patented Lock & Roll technology as part of the same design process; this combination has resulted in the smallest fully preloaded injector available (1.65 mm nozzle).
Our RayOne Spheric MICS lens is an enhanced version of the tried-and-tested C-flex and Superflex platform, combined into a single 6 mm optic design.
We have retained the material and design benefits of our original lenses, without compromising on proven stability or optical performance.
Rayner’s 360° Amon-Apple enhanced square edge creates an optimum barrier to reduce epithelial cell migration including at the haptic-optic junction5,7. Extremely low Nd:YAG capsulotomy rates, comparable with hydrophobic acrylic lenses with square-edge optics.
Vacuole free material for a glistening free IOL
Single piece IOL created from a homogeneous material free of microvacuoles
Compressible material for delivery through a micro incision
Excellent handling characteristics with controlled unfolding within the capsular bag
Low silicone oil adherence
Excellent uveal biocompatibility
Hydrophilic acrylic material with low inflammatory response