Developed in collaboration with Professor Graham Barrett, RayOne EMV’s truly non-diffractive optic utilises positive spherical aberration to uniquely extend vision whilst avoiding the problems that can arise with diffractive lenses.
RayOne EMV’s range of focus can be extended further with a customisable offset for Enhanced Monovision outcomes.
Increased range of focus: Up to 1.5 D with an emmetropic target.
High quality vision: Truly non-diffractive IOL with monofocal levels of contrast sensitivity, dysphotopsia2,5 and high levels of patient satisfaction.
Enhanced monovision: Unique positive spherical aberration design provides a smoother transition between distance and near eyes.
Now available on the rotationally stable RayOne toric platform
Key information
Up to 1.5 D increased range of focus with an emmetropic target.
High levels of contrast sensitivity1 and low levels of dysphotopsia, similar to standard monofocal lenses.
Positive spherical aberration design provides a natural range of vision.
Designed to provide:
Smoother, blended transition between the eyes when compared to monovision with standard monofocals, maintaining binocular stereoacuity and reducing asthenopia.
High quality spectacle-free distance vision.
Reduced pupil dependency, for optimised performance under low light conditions.
Reduced sensitivity to decentration and tilt compared to other IOL designs.
Complements the eye’s natural level of spherical aberration.
Fully preloaded across the entire power range.