RealLifeFaces prosthetic eye patients run the spectrum in age, ethnicity, and facial anatomy.
The Prosthetic Eye Clinic, located within The Center for Alloplastic Facial Reconstruction, serves all the needs of the prosthetic eye and facial prosthetic patients: from the initial custom design of prosthetic eyes and faces to fitting, follow up, and ongoing clinical care. Patients’ ocular prostheses and socket anatomy are continually monitored by referring ophthalmologists and oculoplastic and plastic surgeons. In addition to the highest level of clinical prosthetic eye care, patients also have the advantage of receiving unique prosthetic technologies. One of these exclusive prosthetic technology offerings is the RealLifeEye™ Artificial Eye Technology.
The unsurpassed life-like appearance of RealLifeEye™ prosthetic eye technology is attributed to the engineered combination of computer pigment printing, innovative transparent layering processes, and artistic hand-painting techniques.
The diagram depicts the unique multi-step processes used to create the RealLifeEye™ prosthetic eye technology.