For many individuals facial loss is more than skin deep. Depending on the extent of loss, some patients may also require part of the pharynx replicated. An artificial pharynx, sinus cavity and entire sub-dermal sinus cavity prosthesis can help restore the natural humidity of the area and improve both the voice resonance and the air control affecting speech articulation. In cases such as these, before the prosthesis is fitted, speech articulation often resembles that of a person with a cleft palate because a substantial volume of air is forced out through the open wound after it passes through the larynx. The prosthesis and its sub-dermal prosthetic structures redirect the airflow to a normal pattern. A side benefit to the patient is the absence of prosthesis “blow-outs” (caused by coughing or sneezing) that occur in cosmetic prostheses designed without functional sinus cavity reconstruction airways.
Sinus Cavity Replication
Exenteration and other ablative surgeries often expose the sinus cavity and may remove sections of the sinuses. The Intra-Anatomy™ can be designed into sinus pathways so that secretions are drained, by gravity flow, into the posterior sinus cavity, or if necessary, into to an alloplastic collecting cavity.
Bone & Tissue Stabilization
After a rhinectomy, orbital exenteration, or other ablative facial surgery, many facial patients are not aware that the surrounding skin, bone and sinus tissue will slowly migrate into the opening left after surgery. In many cases the body will completely seal the sinus opening through the body’s natural migration process.