A Colles Fracture is a complete fracture of the radius bone of the forearm close to the wrist resulting in an upward (posterior) displacement of the radius and obvious deformity. It is a very common injury, especially in the elderly, but also in children. There are a lot of symptoms such like a severe pain, swelling and deformation of the limb in the wrist area. Due to hormonal changes in the body, women over 65 are particularly prone to this type of fracture. It is osteoporosis that causes a reduction in bone density and makes it easier to break.
The fracture involves damage to the radius bone, which is why effective immobilization of both the wrist joint and the forearm is so important. In addition, it is extremely important to regularly check the condition of the hand, as a fracture in the forearm can damage blood vessels such as the radial artery, and this can lead to necrosis that is dangerous for the patient. Therefore, the use of professional orthopaedic braces is recommended for a stable Colles fracture. For this purpose, our OKG-16 thumb-wrist-elbow brace will work perfectly.
Product’s description
The OKG-16 upper limb brace is a professional medical product that will perfectly protect and immobilize the upper extremity in case of injury.
The OKG-16 upper limb brace has an innovative design that ensures full stabilization while maintaining the properties of a lightweight and comfortable supply.
The OKG-16 upper limb splint is made of two basic elements: the wrist and arm parts, connected to each other lateral, orthopaedic splint 1RE with smooth adjustable elbow range of motion.