For over 10 years, Reha Technology has been successfully developing innovative, robotic gait therapy systems in the field of neurological rehabilitation. The G-EO range of systems, which is based on the end-effector principle, simplifies the work of therapists, reduces the load on the body, and supports a broad and diverse spectrum of patients with limited movement and capability. Reha Technology products provide for an individual course of therapy with intelligent robotic technology and allow for the intensity of the therapy to be adapted according to the patient.
Robotic-assisted gait therapy is an effective method in the rehabilitation of neurological and orthopedic patients. Technology has evolved significantly over the last few years in collaboration with leading clinics and universities. Today, robotic-assisted therapy is indispensible in neurological rehabilitation. Countless studies have verified the clinical evidence of the effectiveness of end-effector-based gait therapy in comparison with conventional therapy.
The use of gait trainers in clinics and practices has significantly increased the economy and efficiency of gait rehabilitation, eased the physical workload of therapists and helped patients to begin walking independently in a more effective and targeted way.
The Reha Technology G-EOL gait trainer enables a wide variety of neurological pathologies to be treated very early on in a performance-related manner.
Evaluating the therapy –
high intensity, short times & reproducible
Neurological rehabilitation must be customized and tailored to individual patients with the correct intensity.