For over 10 years, Reha Technology has been successfully developing innovative, robot-assisted gait therapy systems for use in the field of neurological rehabilitation. Based on the end-effector principle, the G-EO range of systems facilitates the work of therapists, reduces the physical burden and supports a wide and varied spectrum of patients with limited mobility and physical capacity. Reha Technology products provide personalized therapy with intelligent robot technology and allow the treatment intensity to be increased in line with patient needs.
Robot-assisted gait therapy is an effective method in the rehabilitation of neurological patients. In recent years, the technology has been greatly refined in collaboration with leading clinics and universities. Today, robot-assisted therapy has become an indispensable tool in neurological rehabilitation. Countless studies confirm the clinical evidence of end-effector-based gait therapy in comparison with conventional therapy.
In clinics and medical practices, the use of gait trainers has brought about a significant increase in cost-effectiveness and efficiency in gait rehabilitation, reduced the physical burden on therapists and helped patients to walk unassisted more effectively and purposefully.
End-effector-based G-EO gait trainers from Reha Technology enable performance-related therapies for a wide range of neurological pathologies to be employed at a very early stage.
Enhancing the therapy – at high intensity, quickly & reproducibly
Neurological rehabilitation must be customized at the correct intensity for individual patients right from the beginning.