Our Windows®-based Raman Environment (WiRE) software is the true power behind our Raman instruments. It controls the acquisition of Raman data and provides users with dedicated data processing and analysis options. Use WiRE to identify an unknown spectrum, remove background interference or determine the distribution of particles in megapixel-sized Raman images. Click the boxes below to find out how WiRE can control your Raman system, analyse your data and grow with you and your research with optional upgrades.
Software features and modules
Particle Analysis module
Particle Analysis
Locate and analyse large numbers of particles
Hi Res SEM and Raman overlay
Combine Raman spectroscopy with other popular imaging techniques
Spectrum Search software module
Spectrum search
Identify mixtures with ease
Key technologies nav images template 0009 HD Raman
High definition Raman images
More detail, larger areas
Key technologies nav images template 0006 CRR
Cosmic ray remover
Remove spurious features
Intelligent Fitting in action
Intelligent background removal
Easily remove fluorescent backgrounds
Empty modelling
Stepping from data to chemistry