Michael Angelo (Mikey) was developed to provide practitioners a tool to practice maneuvering the endoscope and become comfortable with the delicate procedure of endoscopy without harming live patients. This greatly reduces procedure time and the potential for complications during actual procedure.
Our patented K9 Endoscopy mannikin comes with an upper GI Tract that features very realistic esophagus, Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES), stomach with rugal folds, incisura angularis, pylorus, pyloric sphincter and duodenum. In the duodenum, practitioners will be able to spot the Peyer’s patch, duodenal papilla and duodenal flexure.
All images are taken from Mikey the mannikin. The canine endoscopy mannikin was invented by Dr. Jacqueline Whittemore from the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine and designed and developed by Rescue Critters®.