The requirements on patient security are constantly increasing. Safety and protection of data are quite rightly a top priority for patients and users.
already meets the increasing requirements with an integrated safety concept.
Unique identification and authentication of all network participants based on digital certificates
Integration of existing user directories
Authorizations and access controls on devices and in applications
Continuous monitoring of the availability of all network participants and other status information in case of loss
Complete control through OR personnel
Any combination of hardware and software modules can be connected to the network. The total cost of ownership of the system is exceptionally low.
Low space footprint and reduced power consumption with few hardware components and efficient modules
Virtual server core.portal as the only interface to the hospital systems
Secure, centralized administration and update management
Provision of new functions mostly via apps
Reduction of downtimes via Richard Wolf remote maintenance service
Integration in existing monitoring systems
An advanced core nova operating room can be set up with a low initial investment. The system can be continuously upgraded at any time through the link-up and safe plug-and-play procedure without the need for complex configurations.