IR Force 600 is a multi-channel instrument, indispensable in gastroenterology departments for its sustained routines where speed and reliability are fundamental prerequisites.
Product Description
IR Force 600 guarantees, whilst maintaining a simplified use and a high quality/price ratio, an improved and efficient diagnostic of the analysis of gastroenterological infections.
IR Force 600 is space saving thanks to its compact structure and innovative 16 analysis channels.
IR Force 600 is a state of the art instrument of great versatility that comes in a new compact and “all-in-o- ne” format. This instrument, in fact, does not require any additional accessories as it has an integrated colour touch screen monitor, IR analysis module and computer.
Due to its reduced size this instrument can be positioned in any part of a studio or laboratory and is configured with a multi-channel reader for 16 workstations that allows a reading in just a few minutes
IR Force 600 has been designed with care and is within the means of every professional. It is equipped with special integrated sensors NDIR for the determination of the isotopic rapport 12C / 13C in breath test samples following the administration of substrate markers 13C.
This instrument is easy to install and does not require maintenance thanks to its internal self-checking system which allows for rapid use by the operator.
IR Force 600 has a high level of accuracy (<0.3 6%0 13C) and optimal steadfastness of execution assisted by an exclusive reading system controlled by a special thermometer that stabilises the temperature maintaining it constant.