The XtaLAB Synergy-R was designed to address the increasing need to investigate smaller and smaller samples in crystallographic research. Tightly integrating a PhotonJet-R microfocus rotating anode X-ray source with a high-speed kappa goniometer and a solid-state pixel array HPC detector creates a single crystal diffractometer that produces up to 10 times the flux as compared to a PhotonJet-S microfocus sealed tube source. The increase in flux allows you to look at much smaller crystals than before and as a side benefit it provides increased data collection speed for normal sized crystals.
The system can be equipped with your choice of HPC hybrid photon counting detectors, the HyPix-6000HE or the curved, large theta coverage detectors, HyPix-Arc 100° or HyPix-Arc 150°. For crystallographers who wish to have a powerful, well-integrated diffractometer and only need to use one port of the rotating anode, the XtaLAB Synergy-R provides the perfect combination of high-flux performance with a low-noise HPC X-ray detector.
The PhotonJet-R comes from the same pedigree as the MicroMax-007 HF, of which there are well over 1000 units in use around the world. The PhotonJet-R X-ray source applies the lessons learned over the development and lifetime of the MicroMax™-007 rotating anode to produce a new generation, high performance rotating anode source.
With the source mounted directly onto the goniometer the XtaLAB Synergy-R provides a stable and robust solution which ensures consistently high performance.