User-Inspired Software for Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometers
Single crystal X-ray diffraction data collection and processing software
When it comes to using your diffractometer, the control software is of paramount importance. CrysAlisPro simplifies your interaction with the diffractometer hardware giving you a user-friendly interface. Whether you have the latest cutting-edge rotating anode system, the compact, yet powerful XtaLAB mini II or the new XtaLAB Synergy-ED electron diffractometer, CrysAlisPro offers a consistent, user-inspired interface so you don’t need to worry about anything except the science.
For beginners, CrysAlisPro makes life easy. Get your crystal mounted properly with help from our centering assistant, and from there arrive at a publishable structure in as few as three clicks*. Color-coded feedback along the way helps you understand what is good and bad about your crystal so you can learn as you operate your diffractometer. Our Structure Explorer module provides an easy way to adjust your structure should there be any issues and its checklist feature indicates any issues with your structure with guidelines and solutions offered.
For experts, CrysAlisPro gives you the control you want. Manually advance through every step of the experiment, from peak hunting, unit cell finding and lattice selection right through to absorption correction and scaling. Sensible defaults and intelligent decision-making mean that at any time, you can let CrysAlisPro make the decisions for you so you can spend your time and effort on problems that interest you.