Maximize chemical threat analysis response
The Rigaku CQL Max-ID handheld 1064 nm Raman analyzer offers features and benefits that maximize chemical threat analysis in safety and security applications. With an on-board library of over 13,000 items, the CQL Max-ID provides first responders, border security, and the military with a device that can identify narcotics, explosives, toxic chemical industrial chemicals, chemical warfare agents (CWAs), and more - without the concerns of fluorescence interference.
With the ability to select the analysis mode, the CQL Max-ID has the unique capability of providing situational analysis based on the user’s needs:
Identification of an unknown substance
Priority listing of a substance (utilization of ThreatAlert hazard targeting)
Detection of an unknown substance (with optional QuickDetect Mode)
Rigaku's 1064 nm Raman advantage
The advantage of utilizing a 1064 nm Raman laser excitation means fluorescence interference is reduced. This is a common issue to older generation Raman devices when scanning dirty or mixed substances. Users can expect a result every scan, in just minutes.
Part of the U.S. DoD JPEO DR SKO program
The CQL Max-ID is based on Rigaku's award -winning ResQ and subsequent CQL platforms, which have been evaluated and approved by the U.S. DoD JPEO DR SKO Modernization program. This program deploys new and improved kits of technology to Department of Defense locations around the world for characterization of suspected chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) hazards.
How Can the CQL Max-ID Provide Advanced In-Field Analysis for Your Chemical Threat Response?