Microorganisms are of great significance to foods for several reasons. The most significant one is that they can cause spoilage of foods and can also be applied to manufacture a wide variety of food products, as well as cause microbial diseases transmitted by foods.
According to world food safety market research and statistics, 95% of the issues in food safety is caused by microbiology.
Detection, identification and enumeration of these foodborne microorganisms are of great importance. From general food hygiene to pathogens enumeration, it is necessary and urgent to make sure that the foods are safe for human consumption.
Foods can be considered as a medium for microbial growth. Considering the vast array of sources, substances, and methods with which food is produced, practically every kind of microbe is a potential contaminant.
Foods can be considered as a medium for microbial growth. Considering the vast array of sources, substances, and methods with which food is produced, practically every kind of microbe is a potential contaminant.
Conventional detection of pathogenic bacteria is mainly based on cultivation procedures, which use enrichment broths followed by the isolation of colonies on selective media, biochemical identification and confirmation of pathogenicity. This culture method is selective for the search of one type of pathogen at a time. Currently, both ISO and AOAC official methods are based on these principles.
Here at Ringbio, we have successfully developed many new microbiology count plate - based on selective medium to enumerate the food microorganisms in various samples.