In a winning strategy, first you secure victory, then you give battle.
The emergency caused by the viral infection by Covid-19 requires all possible resources to address new health and safety issues.
It is necessary a radical reorganization of the working protocols for the protection of persons. The new invisible enemy must be faced with new solutions.
The Coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) highlighted the limitations of hygiene and sanitization protocols, the lack of effectiveness and efficiency, but first of all, the lack of safety and quality standards.
The best treatment to combat a virus and its transmissibility is prevention at all levels.
The only answer is the birth of new technological models, to start again facing the challenges of the market with maximum elasticity.
Our team has made available all its know-how and expertise to get a quick and concrete solution.
Restarting will be difficult and complex, but thanks to technology, we will face this crisis with a powerful ally.
Robota opens a new frontier of medicine and hygiene thanks to cleaner the revolutionary automated system for sanitizing environments
AGV, Robots and integrated systems completely eliminate the biological risk ensuring a structure and a hardware component easily adaptable, in a second phase, to all production and organizational requirements.
The system now supports you in the fight against the Covid-19, tomorrow can be converted with a minimum of effort into a valuable tool, suitable for all needs.
Sanitization involves all those physical and chemical treatments that are carried out in order for a surface to be clean.