For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
The KAPA EvoPlus Kits offer improved fragmentation performance, insensitivity to fragmentation inhibitors and reduced sequencing artefacts through our streamlined and fully automatable workflow. Bringing a new and upgraded enzymatic fragmentation and library prep solution to the market will enable researchers to achieve higher confidence with increased sequencing efficiency.
The KAPA EvoPlus Kits offer a complete library preparation solution when combined with KAPA Adapters and KAPA HyperPure Beads (sold separately). The kits are compatible with the Illumina sequencing platform and have been qualified with automation methods.
Features and Benefits of KAPA EvoPlus Kits
Drastically reduced sequencing artefacts with insensitivity to inhibitors, fully tunable fragmentation and improved library prep performance
Simplified, streamlined and automatable workflow, with combined Fragmentation and A-tailing step in ReadyMix formulations
Tubes and plated format increases efficiency and convenience
Compatible with a wide range of sample types and inputs, and flexibility with respect to fragment size, adapter design and library amplification
Product highlights
Enable superior performance and sequencing results
KAPA EvoPlus Kits provide the benefits of enzymatic fragmentation without drawbacks
Improved sequencing metrics, allowing higher confidence in data due to reduction in sequencing artefacts
View comparative data showing negligible sequencing artefacts for both KAPA EvoPlus Kits and KAPA HyperPrep Kits (mechanical fragmentation) compared to other suppliers.