A new and fully-equipped dental furniture solution that meets the practical and organizational needs of modern dental practice. Let’s planning your dental practice right now!
What if its unique design and unprecedented functionality
could not only simplify, but also upgrade any of your daily tasks?
Eva, the extraordinary becomes daily.
▶ Molded sides and handles, together with the originality of its structure, define its unique personality and design;
▶ The complete opening and silent closure of its drawers eliminate any interference or distraction from your work environment;
▶ Customized colors contribute to the perfect balance of harmony and well-being, and make any cabinet more welcoming and comfortable;
▶ Extra inserts increase its capacity and improve the organization of every cabinet.
Its molded sides and handles captivate at first glance and reflect light as never before. Its original structure, that is intentionally and elegantly asymmetrical, reinforces the three-dimensionality of the Eva dental furniture. Could you ever stop thinking about it?