The University of Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany Dr. med. vet. Sebastian Gehrig and in co-operation with the Society for the Promotion of Research at the Albert-Ludwigs University and the University of Freiburg, developed in 2011 a special induction chamber for tail vein injection for mice.
After the tail is led through the intended opening, a contra pressure to the foamed plastic will help to establish a vein rope. This means, that the injection procedure will be clearly simplified. After that, it‘s possible to handle the tail vein without any further problem. Usual procedures, such as warming-up the tail are not necessary anymore.
Advantage of the Induction chamber
By the low volume size of the induction chamber the anesthesia enters fast and stressless. Another advantage is certainly the accuracy and simplicity of the injection in the tail vein. The injection with anesthesia in mice provides furthermore identical test terms and contributes comparable and reproduceable results. The number of the unsuc- cessful attempts will lower considerably. Also the time where radioactive material must be handled for the user. Another excellent advantage is the time reduction for these standard procedures.
Sizes of the Induction chambers
Body part grey: 100 x 160 x 25 mm
Chamber in acrylic material 60 x 120 x 50 mm
Size chamber inside 80 x 140 x 40 mm
The Induction chamber is made from a very special PMMA
acrylic material (1 cm thick) and has a determing advantage of the addtional ray protection
for the user of - and – radiation (no y– radiation)