Our conical pulley is designed to train precise movements.
RSP Conic machine is our machine designed to be able to train precise movements involving small muscle groups.
Rotators, shoulder or hip, unipodal work, core work, technical gestures in which we look for high accelerations followed by an intense breaking phase of a body segment… RSP Conic is designed for all this, its axis allows high accelerations with low force applications, making it possible to reproduce precise sports gestures without making the mistake of hanging from the rope.
This precision and progressiveness also allows it to be introduced at very early stages in the readjustments of injuries, since its response to very low force applications facilitates the generation of appropriate stimuli that accelerates the readjustment process and allows the athlete to mantain his or her level of form throughout the process.
Conic pulleys have two types of load settings that will vary the machine’s response to the athlete’s application of force:
-Varying the moment of inertia: the moment of inertia is defined as the minimum value of force that the athlete has to apply to vary the machine´s state of rest, this means that the higher this value is, the more force the athlete has to apply to start and stop the machine, and the more time he will need to stop the machine and start it again (slower the Eccentric/Concentric transition)
– Varying the axle radius: the conical axle in an inertial machine has the same objective as the gearbox of our car, to facilitate the ability to accelerate with the same application of force.