coflex® Interlaminar Stabilization®
The coflex® Interlaminar Stabilization® device is a minimally invasive posterior lumbar motion preservation solution that addresses leg and back pain and has proven long-term outcomes for durable pain relief and stability.
The coflex procedure is performed through a small, midline incision in the lower back that allows for a minimally invasive approach for treating your lumbar spinal stenosis. The coflex implant:
Is inserted directly following a surgical decompression by your spine surgeon
Rests on laminar bone in between two vertebrae, where the “U” is closest to the spinal canal
Maintains foraminal height and off-loads facets
Allows the bones to move in a controlled manner, preserving natural motion
Reduces trauma to your back, decreases the amount of blood loss during surgery, and allows for a shorter hospital or outpatient surgical center stay compared to fusion
Benefits vs. Decompression
Decompression is appropriate for many patients; however, in order for the surgeon to adequately decompress the spine, all bony and neural elements putting pressure on the spinal nerves causing the pain should be removed, which may cause the spine to become unstable. Your surgeon can implant the motion-preserving coflex device directly after a surgical decompression to help keep your spine stable.
In a European study, coflex was compared to decompression alone. The coflex device proved to extend the durability and sustainability of a decompression procedure out to two years. The coflex patients experienced:
Superior composite clinical results