Larghezza Width 70 cm
Lunghezza Lenght 188 cm
Altezza Height 142 cm
Massa Weight 145 kg
▪ Monitor 10.1” touch screen resistivo ▪ 10.1” touch screen monitor resistive
▪ PC iMX6 DL 1GB, Micro SD 8GB, S.O. Linux ▪ PC iMX6 DL 1GB, Micro SD 8GB, O.S. Linux
▪ Porta RS232 opto isolata per collegamento con ECG
attraverso il protocollo Trackmaster (compatibile con
ECG Amedtec, Beneware, BTL, Cardioflex, Cardiolex,
Cosmed, CubeStress Cardioline, Customed, Edan,
Ergoline, Fukuda, Imed-Cardiax, Labtech, Medical
Econet, Neurosoft, Norav, Schiller, Sentinel 10,
Teka,Vyaire, XScribe Mortara)
▪ Analogic interface RS232 opto isolated for connection
with ECG through the Trackmaster protocol
(compatible with ECG Amedtec, Beneware, BTL,
Cardioflex, Cardiolex, Cosmed, CubeStress Cardioline,
Customed, Edan, Ergoline, Fukuda, Imed-Cardiax,
Labtech, Medical Econet, Neurosoft, Norav, Schiller,
Sentinel 10, Teka,Vyaire, XScribe Mortara)
▪ Velocità 0.1 - 20.0 km/h ▪ Speed 0.1 - 20.0 km/h
▪ Inclinazione 0%, +22% ▪ Inclination 0%, +22%
▪ Variazione velocità 0.1 km/h ▪ Speed Increment 0.1 km/h
▪ Variazione Inclinazione 0.5 - 1% ▪ Inclination increment 0.5 - 1%
▪ Variazione elettronica velocità e inclinazione ▪ Electronic variation of speed and inclination
▪ Sistema di auto-centraggio del nastro ▪ Self-centring belt system