The S4Optik Corneal Topographer is engineered with advanced technology for corneal topography. The ergonomic design, features, superior reliability and ease of use make it the first choice in diagnostic applications.
Corneal Topography - Fully featured Placido disk corneal topographer, it includes easy to use software for the measurement of corneal curvature, elevation, and refractive power
Pupillography - Perform pupilography measurements under scotopic, mesopic, photopic and dynamic conditions of illumination
Keratoconous Screening – Obtain important information about the condition of the patient’s cornea for corneal surgical planning so that complications associated with ectasia can be avoided Corneal Wavefront - Anterior surface wavefront maps, optical quality summary of the cornea and various comparison maps that can be customized by the user
Fast Data Acquisition
Comprehensive Series of Map Summaries
Keratoconus Screening Parameters
Corneal Spherical Aberration
Networkable software available in different languages: English, Français, Español, Português